Our Mission
We recognize and support every person’s right to be included in the life of the community.
Our Vision
We envision a future where individuals with developmental disabilities have:
Power and choice in making decisions and directing their lives;
Relationships with people whom they love and care about and who love and care about them;
Recognition for the gifts that they bring to our community;
Active involvement in the communities where they live;
Meaningful employment, which is free of discrimination and maximizes their employment capacity;
Opportunities to live healthy, safe, and enjoyable lives.
Our Belief
It is our belief that every person has the right to live in a home and in the community as an active and accepted member.
Arkansas Support Network
Supporting Choices and Opportunities for Individuals with Disabilities and their Families since 1988

Arkansas Support Network promotes and defends the rights and interests of individuals with disabilities, emphasizing intersectionality and social justice. We work to create an inclusive society by ensuring equal opportunities and accessibility for all, considering how race, gender, and other identities intersect with disability. Our impact includes improved legislation, increased public awareness, and enhanced quality of life. We engage in self-advocacy, peer advocacy, and systemic advocacy, targeting policy and societal changes for comprehensive social justice.