
The ASN Community Guide includes resources and strategies that foster inclusion, independence, and well-being. Resources listed include educational supports and information on programs including Medicaid, PASSE, and SSI. Additionally, it offers information on healthcare supports, supports for transitionary periods in life, and diagnosis supports. Our goal is to ensure that individuals with developmental disabilities can lead fulfilling and empowered lives.
Arkansas Autism Partnership
Arkansas Department of Career Education
Arkansas Department of Human Services:
Division of Children and Family Services
Division of Developmental Disability Services
Arkansas Promise
Arkansas Rehabilitation Association
Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Arkansas Waiver Association
The Center for Exceptional Families
The Council on Quality and Leadership
Department of Health and Human Services Family Support Program
Disability Rights Arkansas
National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
Social Security Administration Ticket to Work
University of Arkansas:
Department of Rehabilitation Education and Research
Partners for Inclusive Communities
U. S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Sources
U. S. Department of Labor – Employment First, Workforce Investment Act